Michael Sanchez could be the first person to successfully record a blue rock thrush anywhere in the United States if his ...
Michael Sanchez picked up photography as a hobby. So, on a recent Sunday morning, he packed up his new camera and headed toward Oregon’s Pacific coast to photograph a waterfall at sunrise. While ...
"I figured, maybe I’ll catch a picture of it doing something cute," Michael Sanchez said. "Turns out I got a bit more bird ...
Michael Sanchez had traveled from Vancouver, Washington to northwest Oregon last week to take photographs of waterfalls – not birds. An amateur photographer, Sanchez, 41, figured the scenic ...
The blue rock thrush, spotted near Cannon Beach in late April, is believed to be first sighting ever in North America.
Clements said that it’s unclear how the bird may have arrived in the U.S., but added that a similar species, the ...
A teacher has made headlines in the bird community after photographing a rare species in Oregon that's believed to be seen in ...
Michael Sanchez's photos of what appears to be a rare blue rock thrush recently has made him the envy of the birding world.